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Understanding SBARD Technique

Introduction to SBARD

The SBARD technique offers a standardised framework for escalation and tracking, ensuring effective communication about a resident's condition and necessary actions.

Importance of Documentation

Recording all actions and critical conversations related to provided care is crucial for accountability and continuity of care. The SBARD form is an integral part of the RESTORE2 system.

Breaking Down SBARD

S - Situation

In this section, provide a brief overview of the current situation, including the resident's name, date of birth, and total NEWS score. Clearly state your concerns and relevant clinical observations.

B - Background

Briefly outline the resident's medical history, including existing medical conditions, care plans, DNACPR status, and current medications.

A - Assessment

Summarise the facts and offer your assessment of the situation. Describe any actions taken, such as administering medications or noting changes in the resident's position. If unsure, express concerns clearly.

R - Recommendation

Specify the actions you are requesting, including the timeframe for response and any interim measures needed. For example, request a review within a specified time and outline any immediate tasks.

D - Decision

Document any agreements reached, such as monitoring intervals or plans for further escalation if no improvement is observed within a set timeframe.

Utilising the SBARD Document

Access the SBARD document in the course download area to understand its structure and how to effectively use it for escalating and documenting care.